Thread: Nasty Cold!
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Old 02-14-2009, 08:19 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by BigBo View Post
Sorry Raven, but I'll say that spicey food theory is BS. My wife is from Southeast Asia and everything we eat is spicey. Didn't help us one bit.
The jury is still out on Garlic. She cooks a lot with that as well. I think there are many benefits to garlic. I'm just not sure fighting colds and flu are one of them.
no it is not !!!

Garlic, for example, contains more than 50 antioxidants, more than a dozen immunostimulant phytochemicals and dozens of antiseptic (including antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral) compounds to reduce the likelihood of a germ getting the upper hand.

the government is also quick to say that those who have a depressed immune system are more at risk for these "germs." So why doesn't our pharmacophilic government tell us to boost out immune system, especially with garlic, instead of pushing a silver bullet antibiotic to which resistance may have already developed? The garlic industry doesn't send in many campaign contributions, nor does it support a big lobby. Yet immune-boosting garlic has been shown not only to be antibiotic in itself, but to be synergistic with the many of the more expensive pharmaceutical silver bullet antibiotics.

This makes garlic, in my view, the single most important medicinal spice

I've proved it works personally more times than i can count.

everyone's body chemistry varies however so there's a certain combination that will work for most people that occasionally
doesn't work for some individuals.

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