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Old 03-17-2009, 12:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ecduzitgood View Post
I don't think anyone deserved being bailed out! If it weren't for the taxpayer money bailing them out were would they be ....NO BONUS!
Exactly! How is anything going to change if the governement just bails out one will learn their lesson(big company bail outs and those defaulting on mortgages), fat cats will still run the show (big company bail outs), and NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

RIJIMMY, you are comparing apples to oranges. I don't see how one is comparable to the other. AIG was bailed out from going bankrupt, not so they could still give bonuses to their employees. These bonuses are not the cost for doing business...a good employee would make sacrifices if he truly wanted to succeed or even have a job in this economy. Why is it that you think they are "owed" these bonuses? Bonuses are just that...they are given when a company is doing well and you have proven your worth. Well AIG needed to be bailed out, hence no bonus. I don't see what is confusing about any of this?
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