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Old 05-01-2009, 08:52 AM   #13
Dad 818
Hunting for a 40
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: RI
Posts: 615
The thing that drives me crazy in basketball is what killed the C's last night. They go on an incredible run in the 4th to go up 8 with like 3 minutes left and they stop doing what got them the lead!! They take the air out of the ball and settle for %#$&%#@ 20 foot jumpers by Rondo. Instead of running the offense the way it was working which was moving the ball around and letting the scorers do their thing. I know Rondo has had a tremendous series, but he was playing scared, and was ineffective all game. How many times did he drive the ball to the hoop? Nowhere near the amount in previous games.
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