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Old 06-18-2009, 06:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Hmmm... sounds exactly like the justification for the Patriot Act, the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and most political decisions made by Bush. Just replace the word "crisis" for either "terrorists" or "WMDs".

maybe you've forgotten, at the beginning of the Bush years, a bomb actually DID go off( and we had a corresponding recession) compare the response to a terrorist attack on American soil and the justification for the response to it and the threat it clearly posed regarding potential future attacks with the response to a recession which includes blatant opportunistic wholesale government takeover of large sectors of American economy, Czar after Czar appointed, government intrusion into every aspect of American life and deficit spending like none seen in history would show a clear lack of critical thinking and insight... we've had a dozen recessions in the last hundred years...only one ended in a depression and we're following the same recipe...seems to me most dems say we should have gone to Afghan. and focused all our efforts there, would you argue that the Patriot Act has not made us safer?...NOONE has provided a coherent alternative of what should have been done with Iraq/Saddam...300 more UN resolutions?...years and years of food for oil scandal, headaches, torture( I'd refer you back to the Iraqi History Project)...continued funding of terrorism by the Iraqi regime, WHAT WOULD THE MIDDLE EAST LOOK LIKE RIGHT NOW WITH THIS WEAK ASS PRESIDENT AND SADDAM STILL AROUND TO FURTHER COMPLICATE MATTERS, HE WASN'T EXACTLY COOPERATIVE and his kids(heirs) were worse!...but if you want to point to that and say that the threat was INFLATED and claim it somehow similar to what is being done by this administration using "CRISIS" to make MASSIVE changes in all of our lives with little regard for the outcome and open disdain for anyone that offers criticism...can you imagine if Bush had bristled at criticism and openly attacked his critics and media outlets that questioned his judgment the way that this president does? Bush was always clear that he respected those that disagree with him, Obama smugly calls those that disagree with him liars and criticizes media outlets for not towing his line....I'm not a huge Bush fan but if you make a list of the criticiams of him through his 8 years most were created by the left for political leverage and advantage..the "domestic spying saga" was crap..Valerie Plame was crap....the firing of the US Attorney's-crap, Clinton fired all 93 without a whimper from the dems...hell, they were so desperate with regard to his ROTC records that they forged them and ran them on a National News Broadcast...where are all of those investigators with regard to Obama's past????...if the Patriot Act was this horrible nefarious thing created and fostered on the heel of a crisis then exactly what advantage did/do currently the NEOCONS gain from it?????...exactly what political advantage was Bush hoping to gain by going to Iraq? EVERY FREAKING DAY THIS ADMINISTRATION UNROLLS ANOTHER TAKEOVER OVER SOME PART OF THIS ECONOMY AND IT'S INDUSTRY THROUGH DIRECT CONTROL BY GOVERNMENT OR BY ONE OF IT'S APPROVED/APPOINTED MINIONS....NO, HE'S NOT A SOCIALIST

In the economic sphere, many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which they believed superior to both the rampant individualism of unrestrained capitalism and the severe control of state communism. This was to be achieved by a form of government control over business and labour (called "the corporate state" by Mussolini).

BTW MUSSOLINI was a huge fan of FDR

DE JA VU all over again....

Greatly admiring Benito Mussolini's fascist system in Italy, Roosevelt proceeded to implement the same type of economic system in the U.S. For example, his National Recovery Act gave him virtually unlimited dictatorial powers over American business and industry. And any American citizen who did not do his "patriotic" duty by supporting the NRA and its "Blue Eagle" soon found himself at the receiving end of FDR's vengeance and retaliation.

And it was during this period of time that such alien schemes as the Social Security Act, the FDIC, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Emergency Banking Relief Act the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Federal Securities Act, and the National Labor Relations Act came into existence — all with the aim of taking control of people's lives as well as absolving them from responsibility for errors and foolhardiness by giving them the political loot that had been stolen from others.

But all of this was not sufficient for FDR. He persuaded Congress to provide him a power which Stalin and Mussolini proudly possessed: the power to nationalize people's gold. And his confiscation of gold was accompanied by one of the most shameful acts in American history: the repudiation of government debts payable in gold — the noteholders, most of whom were Americans who had in good faith trusted their government, were instead paid in devalued paper money.

And what was the reaction of the American people to the evil, immoral, and tyrannical acts of FDR? Like people in other parts of the world who were suffering under dictatorial rule — Russians, Germans, and Italians — most of them reacted like sheep — meekly going along with their own slaughter and, in many instances, ardently supporting it. Having lost the sense of self-reliance which had characterized their ancestors — having lost their faith in freedom and themselves — having lost their faith in God Himself — the American people proceeded to relinquish to Caesar the power to direct their lives and plunder their fortunes, just as people throughout history had done.

Last edited by scottw; 06-18-2009 at 06:54 AM..
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