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Old 07-13-2009, 08:48 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Yet you find it appropriate to cite "there are an awful lot of PHD idiots running around that dipute this data and 'SCIENCE'," as though having a PHD automatically makes someone an authority. If a PhD is a "muti-degreed moron" and "divorced from reality", what does that make someone like you who mindlessly follows what they say?
here's the SIDE that I'm on with regard to this JD, first...I'm NOT on the side that has determined that the "Science is Settled", the "DEBATE IS OVER" and anyone who disagrees is a "flat-earther", "holocaust denier" and is in the pocket of BIG OIL...this is the constant montra of the AGW supporters from AL GORE on down....there has been NO scientific debate for the last 10 years, the "other side" has been told to shut up and has been routinely impuned while the population had been pummeled with green propoganda....Al Gore has refused to debate(thought he was the magnificent debater?) anyone or answer questions from anyone beyond adoring suck up media....the Republicans were refused by the Dems to bring a witness to respond to Gore in the Cap/Trade this how open and honest debate takes place in a democratic society? NO...this is how STALINISTS forward an agenda...I'm on the side that says...hold on...there's far more to this than what Gore and the left are trying to ramrod down our throats, you only need to look at the countries that rushed in to this lunacy to see the results....this is the mother of all trumped up left wing scare tactics created crisis used to frighten the masses and further seize power...but that's just my uneducated opinion so take it for what it's worth...noone told me to say that...

you are cranky again, now I know you didn't catch anything, head south one of these days and I'll take ya out fishing, we'll have fun....
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