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Old 07-30-2009, 08:49 PM   #1
sick of bluefish
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My Mom passed away today

After a 3+ yr fight with cancer, my Mom passed away this afternoon. Its just over 4 yrs ago I also lost my Dad. They were married for 44 years. My Mom was 65, always active, exericsed, ate right. The last 6 weeks or so we had been taking care of her until a few weeks ago she moved into a hospice facililty, the nurses and doctors could not believe how strong she was, even though she was ready to go, her body kept going for days. My mom was a wonderful woman, she lived the live of a surfcasters wife and always supported my dad, they had a magical marriage. My best memories are sitting in the parking lot of Race Point in our 1974 ford van, eating portugese bread for breakfast. We camped every summer and had the greatest times. After my Dad died, she devoted herself to my kids and was a wonderful grandmother. I am worn out from the last few weeks and glad my Mom died peacfully. She will be missed every day.
Remember to take time to be with people you love, it goes by way to fast. And be sure to get check ups, if my parent's cancer was caught early enough they may be around today.

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