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Old 08-20-2009, 01:29 PM   #17
BigFish Bait Co.
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So here is the skinny........

I show up for work 5 minutes before the store opens.......I am scheduled to be there right at store opening, as I walk into the store I notice a customer has his truck and trailor parked under the lumber canopy ( you know where everyone parks to load the truck) by the way it is a "loading zone" not a "parking zone" and it is posted as such......anyway, I punch in and I grab a co-worker to spot me on the forklift as we have to move all the stuff back out under the canopy that we display (it all comes in every night and back out in the mornings) so we unlock the doors and the customer is right there and I very politely ask him "could he move his truck and trailor forward so I can get the merchandise out of the building and set the canopy for the day.......well the guy is already ticked off because the store was not open when he arrived and he says to me "well I need to load a bunch of stuff into my truck" and I reply "well thats fine what ever you need loaded we would be glad to help you but I still need the truck moved so I can get all the merchandise out of the building as it is blocking the aisles" he then says "can you load that pallet of Quickcrete into my trailer for me" and I reply "yes sir we can but I can't do that until it is paid for" now the guy is really pissed because he is not getting his way so he storms off to his truck and pulls it forward but not yet quite far enough so he looks over towards me and I wave at him you know.....a little further, just a little further and he then bolts out of the caopy and does a high speed lap around the lumber lot and is coming back around to pull under the canopy again so I tell my co-worker to stop him in front of the canopy and to have him just park right there and that will be fine. So I am just inside the building on the forklift getting a pallet of concrete to bring out when the customer comes in and starts giving me a load of crap, dropping f-bombs and how he just wants to load his truck and f this and f I turn off the forklift and I say to the customer...."is there a problem sir?" he gets going again with the f-bombs and blah, blah, blah so I say to him "if you have a problem with how I do my job sir you need to go speak to my manager" he points his finger at me and says....."YOU JUST BE READY TO LOAD MY F-IN TRUCK WHEN I GET BACK!" and this is when I lost it and I responded "I WILL NOT BE LOADING YOUR TRUCK FOR YOU SIR, BUT I WILL MAKE SURE SOMEONE IS HERE TO LOAD YOUR TRUCK FOR YOU, BUT IT WILL NOT BE ME!" So he begins to walk away and I back the forklift up and I say to my co-worker (intentionally loud enough for him to hear-and by the way his wife is standing quietly by) "I DO NOT GET PAID ENOUGH TO WAIT ON A$$HOLES" Well he did hear me and he reported me to management and long story short after I filled out a report and my co-worker filled out a report detailing the incident......I was terminated. I knew it would happen but folks......I do not get paid enough to deal with that kind of crap, I do not know how much abuse one should be expected to endure from a customer but once he made that comment that was crossing my line!!!! Come to find out this morning I was in Lowe's and talking to my co-worker who was with me when it happened......the guys Wife told my co-worker that her husband always has problems in these stores??!!!! So somehow it was my fault! It is what it is but after hearing that I think I will call the corporate office and speak with the district manager about it!! What can I lose??!!! I have had a great record there, never a problem and I work my butt off, others have broken rules and been written up for things that they should have been fired for but were not and I get canned....just doesn't seem right to me! Whatever.....its all good......when one door closes, another door opens!

Almost time to get our fish on!!!
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