Thread: Oh flock...
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Old 08-24-2009, 11:24 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
These images were created and published for YOUR CONSUMPTION in the hope that you might compromise what you claim to value most.-spence
You have stated something to the effect that you are not interested in what was working 70 years ago but what works for today. I don't know what TODAYS American values most, or claims to value most, but the founding of this country was based on the proposition that what was most valuable was life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life was risked and lost for that proposition, and an attitude of "don't tread on me" was born of it. I don't know what the murderers of Nick Berg thought Americans value most, but the guy who did the cutting found that he stepped on the wrong folks. I don't know if he was some keen philosopher that had insight into the American psyche. Maybe, he thought all Americans are like you, and he published his horror in hopes that SUCH Americans would compromise whatever you all claim to value most. Obviously, since you don't approve of the CIA's methods, he didn't succeed. Most assuredly, he didn't scare us away because he didn't understand what the OTHER Americans value most.
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