Thread: Job Opening
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Old 09-09-2009, 11:04 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Eh. Bush had over 30 different czars during his time in office, none of which were official vetted.

This isn't a brand new thing in the executive branch. This czar business developed during the early years of the Bush administration. The Republican Congress changed the regulations for presidential advisers, giving person advisers to the president "executive privilege" (Cheney's favorite buzz-phrase) and not being required to have background checks or be approved.

Entertainingly, Glenn Beck (who's started a lot of the yelling about czars) states that George Bush had 4 czars and Obama has "16 and counting." "Fair and Balanced" my ass.

A bigger concern for me is Obama appointing a former UAW member as Manufacturing Czar. I believe the UAW to be a figurative bucket of concrete in which the automotive companies feet were cemented into before they went overboard.
Stop just making stuff up. First off, Bush was not nearly the first President to have Czars. They've been around for about 30 years. Don't you remember Reagan making a big splash with the appointment of the Drug Czar many years ago?

Second, Bush had 30 over 8 years. He did not have 30 at all times during his tenure in office. Many were for specific, topical issues and were not long term. The total number of people in the positions was higher, as there was turnover during the 8 years.

Obama's been in office for 8 months and he already has 28, not 16.

Herb Allison - TARP Czar
Alan Bersin - Border Czar
Dennis Blair - Intelligence Czar
John Brennan - Terrorism Czar
Carol Browner - Energy Czar
Adolfo Carrion, Jr - Urban Affairs Czar
Ashton Carter - Weapons Czar
Aneesh Chopra - Technology Czar
Jeffrey Crowley - AIDS Czar
Cameron Davis - Great Lakes Czar
Nancy-Ann DeParle - Health Czar
Earl Devaney - Stimulus Accountability Czar
Joshua DuBois - Faith-based Czar
Kenneth Feinberg - Pay Czar
Danny Fried -Guantanamo Closure Czar
J. Scott Gration - Sudan Czar
Richard Holbrooke - Afghanistan Czar
John Holdren - Science Czar
(OPEN) - Green Jobs Czar
Gil Kerlikowske Drug Czar
Vivek Kundra - Information Czar
George Mitchell - Mideast Peace Czar
Ed Montgomery - Car Czar
Dennis Ross - Mideast Policy Czar
Gary Samore - WMD Czar
Todd Stern - Climate Czar
Cass Sunstein - Regulatory Czar
Paul Volcker - Economic Czar

Are you comfortable with Obama's other choice's besides Van Jones? How much do you know about these people? No need to answer with any facts, just use more Glen Beck stuff.

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