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Old 09-10-2009, 10:12 AM   #10
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I wonder how many of us have had "close calls" of this nature, and just brushed it off as a "one-time" event, that it'll never happen again?
Since my one and ONLY close call, I have made it a point of keeping certain things in mind when fishing late.
1) I keep a case of water in my truck at all times. When it is low, I get another.
2) I like to have some kind of snack available as a "reward" for a good night of fishing, even if there are no fish. It usually consist of at least 1 apple, a soda and either Doritos or Cheetos.
3) I will give myself a deadline as to when to call it a night. Unlike my reckless years, I don't keep at it in the hopes that I'll magically hook into that lone cow passing by. I've learned when to say when.

I do use those "energy" drinks on rare occaisions, but only as a last resort. My choise is the "5 Hour Energy" drink. Again, I stress that this is ONLY a last resort. If I need this kind of help regularly, then I do need help, but not from a bottle!

I hope no one else has to learn the painful lesson Marsh has learned.
Having had my share of accidents, the stress they cause really bites.

Marsh, I'm glad your doing fine, and hopefully you can get back on the road soon.
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