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Old 10-09-2009, 06:31 AM   #23
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still doesn't explain why dwellers of inner cities continually vote democrat criminals and reprobates into office, or why larger democrat dominated areas like say, RI, continually vote moron, drug addict, alcoholic trust fund children like Patrick Kennedy into office...I mean, it's one thing to vote a guy or gal in and then find out that they are completely corrupt or inept....but when there's ample evidence that the person is a complete crook(Charlie Wrangle), idiot(Kennedy) or worse, and you live in conditions that are generationally miserable and the same politicians from the same party are still promising you the same thing and 35,000 of you run to get in line for more handouts because Obama is giving out money I think it's pretty obvious that you are willing to trade the one thing that you are told each election season is your most precious right, your vote, for the promise of government largess..."gettin' paid"....not "Hope and Change"....someone else's bills and change...the far left and the Democrats have convinced an entire portion of our population that they are entitled to the product of the work of others, they have so tied these populations(most of which are around the city centers and easy to control at election time) to government handouts that are only designed to remove responsibility from every aspect of their lives that the vast numbers are simply content to "exist"...a few may rise out of the neighborhood but the odds are surely against that....they feed at the hands of democrat politicians and need to perpetuate the programs that they are enslaved to... in order to continue their existence....these are the trial grounds for democrat policies, programs and social engineering and look what they have wrought.....

this is the failed model that Obama and the dems would like to follow for the rest of the's all about government dependence....not independence

Last edited by scottw; 10-09-2009 at 06:37 AM..
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