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Old 10-28-2009, 01:43 PM   #7
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Over ten years ago a group called NORM-L founded by Willie Nelson took the DEA to court over the classification of pot. It went to the top levels of the system in our country. The end result was the DEA said when they classified marijuna originally they did not have the technology available to prove that it was habit forming life threatening ada yada yada to be put on schedule 1, they would however develop this technology in the next 30 years.... Well they never did and still cant cause it is no were near as dangerous as even alcohol or tobacco products.... NORM-L won the case and the DEA was COURT ORDERED to de-classify it off schedule one..... To date they are still in direct standing of violating a court order. Again a perfect example of our government agencies not having to follow their own law. Now I know I am gonna get bashed on for this but heres the reality.. ! person I know M/S smoking helps him oh wait two one is well was a prominent lawyer in this area the other former boxer at golden gloves level, family member with emphysema/ COPD it helps more than you realize, another family member dying of tracheae cancer, one friend with glaucoma the list goes on... There is nothing wrong with the use of marijuana in non excessive use.. Majority of people dont get violent, derogatory, belligerent, or cause others death when smoking unlike alcohol, and if used in excess you dont OD like other drugs including alcohol and opiates. Just my two cents blast away oh and the whole memory loss thing is a load of crap, I was a straight a student in school were yes I smoked every day to keep calm, untill I dropped out when my daughter was conceived and went into working brainless jobs. I have no major memory issues like what every one else claims.
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