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Old 07-25-2001, 09:39 AM   #5
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 20
Thanks for the informative posts. Having recently experimented with making riggies for the first time, I gave them a shot this past weekend out in Chatham during the day so I could get a good idea of how they were swimming (didn't hook up with any great whites). I encountered one major problem, occassional spinning. During a slow retrieve they swam relatively well, but when plugged with a little jerk, they had a great slither but would often roll over.
I was using 7/0 or 8/0 Siwash hooks on some, and Gammy 7/0 HD live bait hooks on others, and both seemed to have the same results (was hoping the bigger Siwash would have a better keel effect). I rigged the rear hook with 60 lb. coated nylon leader, crimped to the hook and in a loop that came out of the mouth of the eel, hopefully matching up with the eye of the head hook. The rear hook was sewn to both sides of the body, and the head hook was wrapped out the mouth, and at the bend in the shank of the hook (not heavy enough as some casting pulled the eel back on the hook).
Two questions: have you ever had to combat the spinning problem, or do you only maintain a slow retrieve with no plugging action? And also, with the way you rigged yours, how do you tie the line from the rear hook to the front hook? I struggled with this, but ended up opting for tying to both the rear leader and front eye. Thanks for any info, and I appreciate your help.
P.S. I met Steve out at Napatree one night, and made the awful mistake of not examining his riggies close enough!
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