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Old 01-06-2010, 02:55 PM   #12
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My Dad always had lousy teeth. The periodontist bills were completely ridiculous and he could no longer pay the freight when he was retired so his teeth got even worse. Two years ago, my sister and I chipped in and got him dentures (at age 71). They took out all of the old teeth and now he has white, straight choppers with no tooth, gum or jaw pain. He probably should have done it at least 5 years earlier rather than try and save his own teeth.

Under managed care, regular doctors will no longer make big bucks and surgeons are getting forced out of MA due to to malpractice insurance costs, but dentists and orthodontists will continue to have a license to print money. My tax accountant friends tell me their wealthiest clients are the orthodontists. That's the field you want your children to go in to.
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