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Old 02-07-2010, 01:35 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Swimmer View Post
All those deads Kurds were killed by strong skunk spray years ago. Had to have been a big friekin skunk.
I'm on your side on this. My posts on WMDs in the past have supported the side that says they existed. In this case I was just having a bit of word play with JohnnyD. He has accused GW of "fabricating" the WMDs. Originally, this thread started with Biden being a dope. Then it got to Obama mispronouncing corps. Then JD implied that it was worse to make up words than it is to mispronounce them, referring to GW. I thought he meant the "fabrication" thing, so I answered with the irony of GW searching for something he "Knew," ("fabricated") didn't exist. The point being that he did believe they existed. I was a bit reluctant to answer you, since it is a bit off-topic, but I see the thread has evolved away from Biden's dopiness to economic recovery or lack of it--which is all conjecture. It was going to recover, as it always has, if left alone. The original economic debate was over saving the banking system. That was done, whether it needed it or not, under Bush. The Stimulus that occured under Obama seems to have been unnecessary for recovery, the debate being whether it speeds it up or slows it down. I'm on the side that it's Government overkill, hyper-meddling, and a retardant. Similar to what many economists say about FDR's policies actually lengthening the depression rather than solving it.
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