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Old 02-12-2010, 10:09 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by crashfromamesbury View Post
i am a tech for verizon and am embarrassed that this has happened to you.. i have worked both cust svc job and now as a tech.. its just a lazy act on the tech who did not even get out of the truck and go to the side of your house.. they could have had you back up in service in no time.. make sure you get credit for the time out of service as well.. they owe you for the time you are out of service as well..

again.. i can't apologize more for the poor service.. did they leave you with one of those blue cards with a direct number for repair..?

let me know via pm if they did not.. i'll give you a good number..
I never had a problem with the tech who came to the house. He couldn't have been more polite and effective. And like I said if it wasn't their fault to begin with I may have had to pay the service charge for my not being home seven minutes earlier when the tech arrived. To tell the truth, the lie or bs story the call taker told, about the tech allready saying the problem was inside when the tech never even checked the outside box to begin with, probably saved me. I can't stomach those who lie, whether I work with them or somebody else does.

Crash, you owe me or no one else an appology about this, but I appreciate your concern. Underachievers are everywhere. I think a decent hardworking persons greatest accomplishment can be working with those who strive to do as little as possbile, while you do a fair days work for a fair days pay, and not slap the lazy SOB's upside the head.

Swimmer a.k.a. YO YO MA
Serial Mailbox Killer/Seal Fisherman
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