Thread: Beer section
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Old 02-27-2010, 01:25 PM   #26
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 3,507
Yes, Noble Pils is absolutely great. I almost cried when I saw that it said "Seasonal" on the side of the carton.

Anybody at Exteme Beer fest this past weekend? Good show, but not quite as good as the Belgian Beer Fest. Had some Utopia just so I could say, "Yeah, I've had that". Russian River was there with Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger. Sierra with a 1994 batch of Big Foot, and some Hoptimum. Place from Michigan that had something just about identical to Pliny the Elder. Stone, Dogfishead, about died and went to beer heaven. These things are the best if you ever get the chance to go. American Craft Beer Fest is way too crowed compared to these. Only 1000 in the door at a time me thinks, and all the beers/tables are very accessible.
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