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Old 03-04-2010, 08:25 AM   #27
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake View Post
I can't for the life of me deny anyone medical services as needed. ANYONE. Healthcare in this country as it is, is a travesty. Sure we have the most sophisticated technology in the world, but for a price and for only those who can afford it. We are inches away from having an Indian style class system. And those who don't have are the "untouchables". Health care has become a chain that keeps you in a job as well. Looking to better yourself (read this as keeping you in your "class") is made difficult by healthcare. Everyone deserves their good health and a means to maintain it. I'm just not selfish enough to let someone suffer and die for lack of healthcare.
ahh, the liberal heart, a beautiful thing. Im not selfish enough to have my kids without a good education, so I work my arse off to save for it, Im not selfsih enough to have my kids without healthcare, so I work my arse off for it. Every night as I sit reading with my kids while a bunch of jack offs are out drinking beers at the bar and their kids are playing nintendo, the kids grow up to be bozos like their parents and Im supposed to pay for it? Working my arse off helps the country, drives growth, drives consumer spending, drives tax revenue, drives debt reducuton, etc. All good things. Government hand outs only drive the need for more government hand outs. WElfare is a failure.
Lets reform the HC system, this bill expands the system. How is that a good thing?

making a kinder, gentler place for all
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