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Old 03-09-2010, 09:35 AM   #5
Dad 818
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This will define the season for the Bruins. Savard has a Grade 2 concussion which is bad, but not as bad as Bergeron's from a year or so ago.

That being said, this team needs balls. I am hoping they bury Crosby and Malkin every time they have the puck on the 18th. And if Cooke is back, punish him anytime. This guy is known for this and he keeps doing it. The way to stop it is to punish the skill players on his team and make them tell him to cut the BS.

Colin Campbell (NHL disciplinarian) has stated it was not a dirty or illegal hit. This guy is the same guy who didn't suspend Scott Walker for sucker-punching Aaron Ward last year.

The game on the 18th just got a lot more interesting.
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