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Old 03-11-2010, 06:10 PM   #19
Old Man
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Warwick, RI
Posts: 152 take....

...trash me if you will but here's what I run...

...right or wrong goes...

..I remove all hooks and use a 7/0 O'Shaughnessy on the tail...

...yeah ...yeah... I've heard it from the best of the best builders who I've swapped tail hooks for plugs with...."it ain't gonna run right"..."years of my testing and design down the tubes with what ya doing to my plug" ...... "will you put some hooks on that plug !!!"'s why...

...98% of my catching is either schoolies or blues...

...a long shank 7/0 makes for VERY easy removal of a blue from my toys...the needle nose pliers latches onto the shank and one twist and the blue is off and I'm casting again...none of the 15 minutes to get a treble back from the lock jaw of a blue..BTDT...ain't we all ???

..and the schoolies ? ...well... they gotta go back anyway and what a mess a treble can make of a schoolie ...much less two or three sets of hooks being pried out of a thrashing striper... I miss many hits ? no ... do I care ?

...and my PB (30+) last spring at the canal was taken on a belly hook 7/0 on the tail.... AND it went back for somebody else to enjoy...

...that's my take....

...for those who build (as MOST here do) ...try your favorite plug...

...1. hooks...see if it swims..
...2. tail siwash or whatever...see if it swims..
...3. .. loaded up with all the hardware it will carry (or usually carries) ...and see the might be surprised.. much for my rant...

... Old Man aka Bob

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