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Old 03-22-2010, 08:26 PM   #1
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Location: north andover, ma
Posts: 67
I have been suspending the hooks in the mold as I pour.
seems to work so far.

the first few I did with two colors ( pour one color, wait and then pour the other ) had a seam along the side between the colors. so I have been letting the first pour harden for 5 minutes, then heating the surface with a heat gun until the very top starts to liquify then pour the second layer. seems to solve the seam problem.

these steps won't work for a volume setup but I'm only pouring a few at a time.

if you work with plaster of paris to make a mold, consider wearing eye protection when you mix it up. I splashed some in my eye and it took a 4 days for my eye to get cleaned out.

Last edited by adson; 03-22-2010 at 08:34 PM..
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