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Old 03-28-2010, 03:11 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Interesting read. Huff post so take it for what it is...
Republicans Were For Obama's Health Insurance Rule Before They Were Against It
It could be a huge impediment to a Romney run for president. He claims there are important differences between his Massachusetts plan and the Obama plan. I am not familiar with Romney care. Does it work to your satisfaction? And if it does, why replace it with a costly, contentious, Federal plan. From an outsider's perspective, the advantage of your State plan is that it can already be a model for what works and what doesn't. Other States can apply what is "good" for their circumstance and discard the rest. What is most glaringly non-arguable, is that your citizens can more easily repeal it if they don't like it. Was it approved by a vote of the people? If it was, it certainly passes all constitutional muster. If not, many "conservatives" would have a problem with it. I recall "conservative" commentators arguing against it.
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