Thread: World Cup
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Old 06-12-2010, 01:20 PM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 440
Originally Posted by MarshCappa View Post
Dude don't even go there. Some of my friends in high school openly admitted they played soccer because they were afraid of getting hit in football. Completely different game so you can't even say soccer players are tougher than football players. I'll give them the stamina thing cuz the game keeps moving but take a look off the ball and they stand around or jog. They would pee their pants if they had to line up for a play in the NFL or they would do what they do best and fake an injury to stop play.

Enjoy your sport, it's pretty good to watch and I do like the rival countries playing eachother. But don't try and argue the toughness thing, it's not even comparable.
Was not trying to argue a toughness point because it is kind of apples and oranges. My point was that I think the human aspect of sport is getting a little lost in football with all the specialization and coaching. The fact that the average NFL career is less than six years says it all about the toughness required and the damage taken. I would be interested to know which you think would be tougher NFL or NHL?
On the rugby point I think any NFL linebacker or DB would be an awesome force on a rugby field and I generally would say you get more speed, skill and size in the LBs and DBs than what you have in international rugby.

Numbskull - I think the commentators have been told to keep talking for the benefit of the US audience on the assumption that they are new to football. I totally agree on the horns if they were sitting around you it would drive you mad.
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