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Old 06-24-2010, 10:05 AM   #14
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The condoms should be for the school board, since it's evident that they're all d*ckheads!

Using that same stupid logic, it should be OK to hand out needles, alcohol and firearms as well, since we all know that they can find ways to get them IN THE FIRST GRADE!

The parents need to speak up and demand the school stop this NOW!
If not, then as TDF stated : Remove your kids from that school system.
How dare the school try to usurp the parents right to know what going on in their child's life.

To push this even further into the absurd, the parents would now have the right to sue the school should their child get pregnant or contract a STD because the school took over the responsibility for the sexual development and education of the child.

Am I imagining this, or are we seeing many more "supposed" experts and authority figures coming off as complete morons with completely idiotic ideas and plans? It used to be a rare occurance when you saw/heard a "Darwin Award" winning moment from anyone, but now it's almost a daily event, with the "contestents" vying to be a real life "biggest loser" (or more correctly, "the biggest moron!)
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