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Old 06-25-2010, 12:04 PM   #1
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have you had enough yet???

let's see...2000 more pages of legislation that needs to be passed to find out what's in it, Obama travelling to Canada to tell the "G's" that they need to increase government spending to improve their failing ecomomies and that reducing spending will only slow the recovery?...because spending like a drunken sailor when you are broke is precisely the way to improve your situation...fortunately the established socialist countries recognize what many Americans don't, Obama is a maniac...and they've sanely chosen to reduce spending in many for our "brilliant" president, he'll keep requesting billions and trillions to try to sustain the unsustainable.....look around America...these democrats don't/can't help create private sector jobs (lucky it's a census year, huh?) because they are idealogically opposed to the private sector, they are leeches who will suck the blood out of the host till it dies and either die themselves, gorged, or move on to another victim, they create public sector government dependence...pick your favorite bastion of democrat controlled states or cities, legislatures and do you see economic growth? or do you see massive government dependency, failing and unfunded government entitlements, massive public debt and looming disaster essentially..sooo...spend, spend.... spend........reminds me of that movie Leaving Las Vegas where Nicholas Cage is determined to drink himself to death....and does

and then there's this little gem

Provincetown, Massachusetts "to rethink condom policy," reports the Boston Globe. After Governor Deval Patrick "expressed concern" the School Committee will revisit its policy of providing free condoms to "the Cape Cod community's elementary school, which serves preschoolers to sixth-graders."

The conservative new regulations will limit free condom distribution to the preschool through fourth grade, but will offer protection to all sexually active fifth and sixth graders:

"If parents are that upset, and we have to revise it to fifth- and sixth-graders, then that would be fine with me,'' said [School Committee member Carrie] Notaro, who has a preschooler and a second-grader in the elementary school.

Parents however will have no say in whether their fifth-grader is authorized to get a condom, Notaro noted, since kids aren't "going to ask their parents anyway."
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