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Old 06-28-2010, 07:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
How little of a clue you have about my political philosophy is very apparent. However, I'm not going to high-jack Sweetwater's thread and get into yet another pissing match instigated by you.

On topic, after reading more about this ruling, I think the effects will be widespread. Chicago is already looking to put similar restrictions in place like DC did after it's ban was lifted, like banning all handguns that can own a clip and making applicants jump through major hoops and spend a lot of dough in order to get their license.

Striking down the DC and now the Chicago bans are the Constitutionally correct choices.
JD, it's not just a pissing match. It is absolutely critical to understand how thin the support for Constitutionally correct choices is. And in this regard , at this time in our history, it is very much about Obama and who he chooses for the Supreme Court. His first appointment, in this decision, voted Constitutionally incorrectly. His pending second appointment appears to be similarly disposed. These two will be replacements for like-minded judges. If he is re-elected, he may get the chance to change the balance of the Court so that the majority will, on this type of issue, decide differently.
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