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Old 07-12-2010, 08:18 PM   #1
time to go
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2,318
Race relations post Obama

Have you noticed any more tension/attitudes of some not all non Caucasians towards Caucasians. I have noticed what seems like at times intentional provocation from non Caucasians since Obama got in. for example: noticing you coming with your cart in store and moving their cart to block the way and ignoring you to perhaps see if you'll react. I have a feeling after seeing Obama get in and then add the beer summit with the whole Gates issue and how it was handled has either made non-Caucasians angry with whitie or feel they can treat us with no respect. Almost has if they want you to react and then verbally or perhaps physically assault you and start screaming you started it and are a racist. It's has if they have had enough of whitie and want us to disapeer which to me screams of people who want to segregated ironicly. It seems as though the more that is done for them the more they dislike us (once again not all). Is it just me?
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