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Old 07-12-2010, 11:00 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by ecduzitgood View Post
I am the kind of guy that gives everyone respect and lets them earn my disrespect. And when it comes to non Caucasians I actually go out of my way to hold the door, assist them and almost anything to try and show them I welcome them in fact I am probably nicer to them than I am the Caucasians knowing in the back of my mind if they are the racist they are probably more angry that I was so nice and they couldn't find a reason to hate me (kind of reverse psychology).
Actually, the greatest respect you can give someone is to treat them as an equal--that is, to transfer the respect you have for yourself to the other person. That engenders a like response from the other person back to you. If you show too much, make too much of a point of going out of your way to assist someone, that can signal your superiority in the matter and create resentment against you. That has been one of the subtly negative results of white societies "aid" to the black community. Between the cruel treatement of white racists and the over-coddling of the well meaning but guilt-ridden whites, there are few treat-me-as-an-equal whites for blacks to truly respect.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-12-2010 at 11:08 PM..
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