NMFS closes the northern area Angling category fishery for large medium and giant ("trophy") BFT for the remainder of 201 O. Fishing for, retaining, possessing, or landing large medium and giant BFT (measuring 73 inches curved fork length or greater) north of39°18' N. lat. (off Great Egg Inlet, NJ,) is prohibited effective at 11:59 p.m., July 18, 2010.
The intent of this closure is to prevent overharvest of the Angling category northern area trophy BFT subquota of 1.7 mt. NMFS closed the southern area trophy BFT fishery effective June 12, 2010.
Anglers are reminded that all non-tournament BFT landed under the Angling category quota must be reported within 24 hours of landing either online at
NMFS Permit Shop or by calling
(888) 872-8862. In Maryland and North Carolina, vessel owners must report their recreational tuna landings at state-operated reporting stations. For additional information on these programs, including reporting station locations, please call (410) 213-1351 (Maryland) or (800) 338-7804 (North Carolina).
Anglers may catch and release or tag and release BFT of all sizes, subject to the requirements of HMS catch-and-release and tag-and-release programs. NMFS regulations at 50 CFR 635.21(a)(1) require that all released BFT be released in a manner that will maximize survivability, and without removing the fish from the water. For further information on safe handling see:
NMFS may make further Angling category adjustments via inseason action, if warranted. This
notice is a courtesy to BFT fishery permit holders to help keep you informed about your fishery.
For additional information, ca1l (888) 872-8862 or (978) 281-9260, or go to
NMFS Permit Shop. Official notice of Federal fishery actions is made through filing such
notice with the Office of the Federal Register.