Thread: Cherry...Bomb
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:50 AM   #7
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Posts: 125
Been a while since I posted sorry 'bout that. As far a sealing hard wood. I use and trust the val oil mix that I started with a number of years back. Prior that my plugs got a primer and paint...that's it. The cedars didn't split, but just about every hardwood did. The fish didn't give 2 squats but I did. However what bothered me the most was not the cracked plug, hell almost all of my Atom poppers were being fished with cracks and chunks missing, what was worse was the action change. The more water that the plug absorbed the less it walked, swam or darted and they just got heavier to cast. I found myself carrying more plugs so that I could change 'em out when they started to fail. Thus my love affair with Val oil AND Zinsser (Zinnser?) oil based primer sealer. I think it was H'Islander (Kevin) that clued me in about Val oil as well as reading lots of posts on this and other web sites. The primer/sealer thing I just kind of figured out as I plodded along. I mix both of the sealers 50/50 with odorless Mineral Spirits (not the "green" variety). I think that pure gum turp is better, but I don't think it's all that necessary and I don't need the strong odor in my mini cave. I have recently started heating the wood (MW) prior to soaking in the Val oil mix. I certainly does seem to increase absobtion of the sealer. The only reason I say that is that they seem heavier when they come out and take noticably longer to dry. No I have not done comparison weighing and have no intention of doing so...I'm just confident that enough sealer is being absorbed. As someone posted some where absorbtion is only taking place at the cut off ends or anywhere that the grain has been crossed (belly holes etc.). Any way to make a long story longer I think that soak time is important. This may be over kill, but I have time (retired) so I'll keep doing it. Hard woods, maple, cherry, birch, etc I soak for no less than 12 hours often over night (12+). Cedars (AYC, AWC, ERC etc. no less than 6 hours. These times are long and it takes 2 - 3 days drying time hanging in a very dry basement (2 dehumidifiers 24/7). They do seem to add a bit of weight, nope I haven't done any scale calculations because I don't care. The plugs then get 2 total baths in the Zinnser/MS (50/50) again with 2 -3 days dry time between each bath. I've discovered it necessary to punch out the tail holes (or whatever end is down) after the first couple of hours of dry time...Just don't stand under the plug, and put paper on the floor...I've had nicely primed and seald arms, shoes, shirts etc because the plugs hang from the rafters. What has all of this accomplished? Well I carry probably the same number of plugs (way to many), but a greater variety because the action of the plugs remains the same cast after cast, fish after fish (ya like I catch so many...NOT) No I have not carried a scale to "test" the weight gain or lack there of, the plugs just fish the same from when I snap them on to when I take 'em off. I've had plugs get quite beat up (mojo) with exposed wood etc. but they still fish OK. I'm sure that the etex sealing or any other method that I haven't tried work equally well, but I'm set up for this and it's working so I'll keep doin' it. is offline   Reply With Quote