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Old 10-16-2010, 06:50 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Ah, Spence's spectrum--even spirituality exists in degrees.
From God's perspective or from the individuals perspective?

No doubt with degrees from extreme spiritualism to total materialism. And the centrist, mainstream, spirituality would be comfortably in the middle of that. Sort of a well balanced spiritual view . . .used when needed to assuage vexations from the unknown and to call upon higher powers when, say, right wingers threaten to overwhelm you. And, then, a healthy taste for skeptic carpe diem when you're riding high.
I think for most people, spirituality is a guide for an imperfect person, not an absolute. To say that some measure their spirituality based on the political need of the moment is probably quite true, but also would be applicable to all parties.

In this example though I'm not sure this is appropriate. MO's not pushing religious views on others or using religion to divide, it's just a simple rally as is God Bless America.

Yes, but not an extreme belief. That would be intolerant. More like a belief in the clean spirits. Well, not just a belief (that implies that dirty ones also exist and must be believed in) but more of an affinity for and a dependence on. The dirty spirits would be driving the forces that are against you, say, like evil right wingers and insane, intolerant, extreme Palinites and Tea Baggers.

Yes, one must never assume that a spirit, or God, would personally direct an individual. Spirits can only be called upon by groups. Especially groups that don't take their belief in the spirits to extreme directions. And any word or direction that God or spirits give to groups must not be interpreted literally. These words are living, breathing entities that take on different meanings as groups morph along the spectrum and the mainstream evolves. Yesterdays mainstream was right for its time. Todays mainstream perceives the intolerant beliefs of yesterdays. And the future mainstreams . . . all will be well if we just stay in the middle of that spiritual spectrum and stick with the clean spirits.
And why it's a good thing that most Americans are somewhat conservative. The idea that there's value in the time tested beliefs of the collective people keeps us from changing too fast...hence to "conserve".

Then again, times do still change...

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