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Old 10-20-2010, 07:04 PM   #1
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Tytler's quote has, I believe, appeared here once or twice before. And the response from the more left-leaning members has been, as it is now, silence. Perhaps they think it is too absurd to merit a comment. But they usually muster a quick, snarky comment on what they consider stupid right-wingish observations. Is the quote so obviously true that they are struck speechless. Nah. Maybe the quote, and the similar sentiments made on these threads and other "right wing" sources are tainted because they are not spoken by more acceptable origins such as mainstream media, PBS, academic commentaries. There must be something suspect if something as obvious as this quote is not pouring from the lips of our current mainstream thinkers and politicians. Could someone, Spence, somebody, point out what is wrong with Tytler's observation, or, how it doesn't apply to the drift in American history.
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