Thread: Obama Care
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Old 10-26-2010, 04:20 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Piscator View Post
What if you don't wear sunscreen?

What if you have a dangerous occupation (Cop, Fireman, Fisherman, Construction, Prostitute)?

What if you live with someone who smokes?

What if your house has Radon?

What if you touch lead sinkers?

What if you don't wear rubbers (on your feet)

My original point is where do you draw the line?
These are the types of questions that ARE asked and ARE taken into consideration in under written states, which most of the country is. The are called riders that won't be covered. Conn is pretty bad for them.
Biggest one that affects your health insurance in under written states (take physical, based on results, they decide how much it costs from person to person), motorcycle riding is a huge mark up. They run a DMV check so you can't lie.
At least here in Mass as a guaranteed issue state, we can all get it, no pre-exisiting condition worries, regardless of what it costs. The problem is in the other states that aren't where people CAN'T get insured due to such issues discussed above, no matter how much they are willing to pay. Sucks paying so much for something you may or may not ever use, but you'll thank god you have it when you do need it.
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