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Old 11-02-2010, 04:02 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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"There's so little in common between Newt and Petreus I'm not sure how you can even utter them in the same sentence. "

They are both admitted conservatives who believe that (1) Islamic facism is a grave threat, and (2) the way to defeat that threat isn't to give them a hug and apologize for all our faults, but rather, to bring them to their knees with levels of force that produce "shock and awe".

"Newt is a smart guy "

Agreed. IMHO, he is brilliant, and the most qualified person on the planet for the job. But he's got baggage.

"but a slimeball with no shame. He doesn't have a chance in a Presidential election. "

Bill Clinton was more of a slimeball, but IMHO, a great president who understood that you can't spend more than you've got. Newt is also now a devout Catholic, but I agree, probably not electable.

"The General might just do it, but I'd wager he'd run as a Democrat."

He's an admitted conservative and a registered Republkican. so I'll take that bet. I remember when he gave his plan (what came to be known as "the surge") to Congress. Hilary said to him "General, to believe your plan requires the willful suspension of disbelief". In other words, she called him a liar, and he turned out to be 100% right. Did she apologize? Nope, she became SecState. So again, lack of ethics certainly doesn't preclude one from rising in the ranks of the Democraic party, does it?
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