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Old 11-05-2010, 08:33 AM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by stcroixman View Post
You can spin tax cuts and tax increases anyway you want. That is why we always have gridlock - spin doctors.

Fact: Unless there are zero taxes, the more you have the more you pay. Do the math, even a flat tax results in the wealthy paying more.

If someone has wealth, they feel taxes means they have to share with others.Anyone making <100K per year who sides with republicans' philosophy on this issue doesn't understand what it's about and anyone making > 200K per year who supports Democrats
philosophy doesn't understand what it's about either.

What the wealthy really want is no taxes, and no program spending because they have the means to take care of themselves.

I see it everyday and there will never be compromise or agreement on this issue.

"Anyone making <100K per year who sides with republicans' philosophy on this issue doesn't understand what it's about"

When I graduated from college I made a lot less than $100,000, and I was a Republican. I knew what it was about. The Republican party isn'y about helping the rich and screwing the poor. In my opinion, it's the Democratic agenda that screws the poor. Liberals want to give poor people just enough welfare to survive, not nearly enough to get ahead. That addiction to welfare makes those folks unable to escape poverty. Conservatives want to give poor people good jobs so that can climb out of poverty.

"What the wealthy really want is no taxes"

Says who?
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