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Old 11-05-2010, 11:32 AM   #45
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Why not ask the OP to provide some backup to his original statement that every single democrats has said that the tax cuts only benefit the rich.

B/c if he doesn't, he has no credibility in anything he ever posts.
Fair question Paul S. I watch Foxnews, CNN, and MSNBC regularly, and I've heard that claim a zillion times. I don't work in a TV studio, so I don't have access to years' worth of video footage. I googled it, and found a ton of sites that said "despite the fact that liberals claim the Bush tax cuts only benefit the rich, here is the proof that's not true...". Alas, I couldn't find a site that listed all of the people who have told that lie.

So my opinion (I can't prove it with physical evidence) is that the liberals invented that lie to further their cause. If you say you never heard anyone say that, I can't do anything about it.

Here are some of these sites I described. None listed specific liberals who said that lie, but all address it in general...

AP Shocker: Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Just Help The Rich
Why do so many liberals say that Bush's tax cuts only helped the wealthy? - Yahoo! Answers
Aren't liberals ignoring facts when claiming that Bush tax cuts helped the rich? - Yahoo! Answers
Tax cuts "for the rich" - Living Lake Country
American Thinker: Lying About Bush's Tax Cuts
Letting The Bush Tax Cuts Expire Will Only Hurt The Rich, Right? | Right Wing News
The Absurd Report Income Taxes: Liberal vs. Present
Did The Bush Tax Cuts Favor The Wealthy | Media | National Center for Policy Analysis | NCPA

from the last link...

""It is politically popular to say that tax cuts benefit the wealthy," said Michael D. Stroup, a Stephen F. Austin University economist who authored the NCPA report. "The accusation does not match the reality."

There are a ton of sites out there that dispel the lie that the Bush tax cuts only benefitted the rich. It stands to reason that something motivated all those people to do the research...i.e., there were those that claimed that the cuts only benefitted the wealthy.

As I said, I can't get youtube clips. But I've heard a million people say it, and it always bothered me. Take it or leave it, your choice.
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