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Old 11-09-2010, 11:35 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
Jim, don't worry about these clowns, when they start insulting you at the end of an argument it means they lost miserably on substance and they hope you'll go away
Thanks, that's usually how I take it.

I can be smug too, and I need to work on it, because it takes away from the dialogue. I just got pretty frustrated when a CPA tried to pull, WHAT I THOUGHT WAS, some numeric "slight-of-hand" on me. Posting my profession wasn't bragging (being a number cruncher isn't exactly a line I use at singles bars), I said that to establish that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to math, finance, and statistics.

I concede that not "every single democrat" said the cuts only benefitted the rich. I was using hyperbole to illustrate the point, and only one or two of you took that literally.
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