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Old 11-29-2010, 10:27 AM   #350
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: trying for Truro
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Raven, I do get the suet out too. 2 springs ago I kept every yellow rumped warbler in Truro fed til the bugs showed up. I would have a dozen sitting around it taking turns - never saw one before or since. I use the sparrow crop as a gauge as when to stop. I think the birds have to be given a chance to learn to feed on their own, but if they make it through winter I like to give them an energy boost until other food shows.

Yeah Johnny, those bags work perfect for the suet. They'll get crappy after a while, let me know if you want any more - I find enough of them on the beach.

Paul, I put a scrap of ply on a couple of sawhorses in the middle of the feeding grounds and throw seed on that too. I have 2 seed feeders and a bag of suet within 15’; I'll sit in the middle. The birds are accustomed to me so they barely spook. Mucho relaxing. The chickadees, pine warblers and red-breasted nuthatches will land within arms reach. I've wanted to try to hand feed them, but I think that would take too much time to get them to do it.

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
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