Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-02-2010, 12:24 PM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
You are one of the few, if not only person that posts on SB that I always agree with.
You think she'd be applauded from coming from a working class background, blue collar family, great family realtionships, career woman balancing priorities - you think she'd be on Oprah with a standing ovation. But nope, her politics and popularity are held against her. We have brilliant female minds like Whoopi Goldberg to look up to!
I would NOT vote for her, but I have tremendous respect for her. Ask yourself this. your kids have 2 weeks to spend with a family over the summer. WHo would you choose, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin? Its a no brainer for me. They'd have a blast with the Palin's and learn a ton.
You're right. In addition to all I mentioned, she also raised her kids without any domestic help, and her family is obviously very close-knit.

The irationality of the hatred against her is unbelievable to me. If you want to disagree with her politics, that's fair. But Palin attacks are almost always personal, never based on issues.
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