Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-02-2010, 01:24 PM   #45
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
You gotta do what you gotta do. She felt that she had to do this to combat the foes aimed solely at personal destruction. Clearly she is going to run in the primary, and this gives her more positive face time than she would have gotten from MSNBC. Besides, she is smart...she is taking advantage of America's insane love of reality shows...she is getting an audience.
I hope she doesn't run. I think the perfect job for her would be head of the Republican National Committee...she gets people excited, she gets people to show up, and for darn sure she raises money.

If she ran today, I think she'd win the primary and lose the general to Obama. If the economy doesn't get worse, I don't think she can beat him. If the economy does what I'm afraid it's going to do (take a big step towards Greece, because inflation can only go up, interest rates can only go up, housing prices can only go down, Israel is about to attack Iran) she will win. If unemployment and mortgage rates are both at 11.5%, and the Dow is at 6,000, she wins.
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