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Old 12-02-2010, 01:34 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Well, I'm not a CPA or actuary, but from what I've read, there are an equal number of arguments that go against this statement.

it is a tough call. we've had these cuts now for 6? years under two administrations and the economy has continued down the crapper...

the compromise will be to kick this can down the road for another year or so and then deal with it, which will spawn this argument all over.
I'm no economics expert, either...

"we've had these cuts now for 6? years under two administrations and the economy has continued down the crapper... "

But NOT because tax dollars collected are down. It's because spending has skyrocketed. It's irrefytable fact that afetr Bush lowered tax rates, he set records for tax dollars collected. The problem is that he spent too much...actually, the problem wasn't even that he spent too much, the problem was (1) the democrats decided that it was unfair for banks to only give mortgages to people who had some hope of paying them back, and (2) the financial markets had these crazy schemes to bundle and sell those crappy mortgages.
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