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Old 12-02-2010, 04:01 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
I'm not too sure on the exact numbers, but I wonder if fighting two wars had anything to do with it. As the principle driving force to go to war, those costs are on him.
Are you saying that if we had not spent the money on the wars, the banking meltdown would not have been a spending problem? I suppose, then, you could say that if it had not been for the TARP the wars would not have been a spending problem. The wars did come first, and the economy was booming while the war expenditures were in place. Wars happen and they have to be payed for. Argument on whether the wars are "legitimate" is another matter, and one that you won't find agreement on. Now, under this new administration, we not only have the two wars, we have massive stimulus much greater than the TARP (which is supposedly being paid back and not as expensive as initially).
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