Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:10 PM   #65
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Aside from the legal qualification, which they both meet/met, the rest is highly subjective.

I think their political careers are somewhat of a wash. Palin gets a few points for limited executive experience as Gov, but there's not much beyond that. Obama has more years in the US Senate and IL House, but without much of note.

Academically Palin's a dud while Obama enjoys a very impressive resume.

Ultimately though, people are looking for vision, intellect and integrity.

Ideology aside, even in 2008 it was clear that Palin hadn't really put much thought into how the world works and we never got much out of her other than snarky quips. Obama by contrast could discuss policy issues at length and demonstrated the intellectual curiosity that indicated a lot more substance.

So I'd argue that Obama's credentials were really much better. The proof is in the putting...Obama is POTUS and Palin is on reality TV.

God help the GOP if they can't put her in a box come 2012. Republicans need to get back to leadership and legislation and off this pundit led bender they've been on for the past 15 years. When Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin are the thought leadership of your party you've got problems.

Oh, please, Spence...

"I think their political careers are somewhat of a wash. Palin gets a few points for limited executive experience as Gov, but there's not much beyond that."

At the time Obama announced he was running, he had served one half of one term as a US Senator, and in that time, he had done nothing significant. Nothing. You go ahead, and tell us what significant legislagtion Obama authored from 2004-2007.

At the time Palin was picked as VP, she had the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country, which means she was the very best governor in the country. She had exposed significant political corruption in her own party, she lowered taxes, balanced the budget, and got the oil companies to give her citizens a fortune in profit sharing. What did Obama do from 2004-2007 that's better than that?

"Academically Palin's a dud while Obama enjoys a very impressive resume"

Palin has a Bachelors degree from, I think, the University Of Iowa? Obama wwent to Harvard. Bush 43 also went to Harvard, and that didn't keep liberals from claiming he's an idiot, so obviously one's alma mater doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence. Furthermore, you don't know Obama'a acadmic resume, because unlike most presidents, he refused to make his transcripts public.

"people are looking for vision, intellect and integrity."

Integrity? How about sitting in Rev Wright's church for 20 years, and listening to that racist, anti-American bile? Or Obama admitting that although he didn't know what happened, "it's fair to say the Cambridge police acted stupidly".

More on a state senator, Obama actually supported the right of a mother to have her baby killed, after tha baby was born and outside the womb (look up the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, as I am not kidding or exaggerating). Palin, on the other hand, feels that even babies with Down Syndrome deserve to live.

Obama is more slick, more smooth, and more presidential in personna. Palin is a regular American with values that are more reflective of this nation, which like it or not, is center-right.

"Obama by contrast could discuss policy issues at length"

Right. Like his opposition to the surge in Iraq, which everyone but Obama adnmits was a spectacular success.

Put down the Kool Aid for one second please, and look at things objectively.
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