Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:58 PM   #71
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
so you support socialist agendas?

also she promised the oil companies the north slope and ANWR.
too bad that didn't work out for them.

you don't get something for nothing.
Likwid, so instead of simply admitting that she actually did some good, you have to ask what you think is a "gotcha" question.

I don't think that Palin's decision to force oil companies to share profits with Alaskan citizens constitutes "socialism", and here's why. As Palin pointed out, that oil is a natural resource on public lands, and as such, it belongs to the citizens of Alaska, it doesn't belong to the oil companies.

But to answer your question, I supoprt socialism to a point, in that I believe that the rich and the strong have a duty to serve the poor an dthe weak. You could argue that my service in the USMC was a form of socialism, because I felt obligated to try to help others.

You might be suprised (since you don't seem to know a lot of facts) that not all conservatives are as cold-hearted as liberals claim. In fact, many studies show that conservatives give way more time and money to charity, than liberals do.

Snack on that...

"you don't get something for nothing"

Tell that to everyone who gets a welfare check in the mail, when they don't have to lift a finger to earn it. Why can't those peoplpe, at least the ones physically able, do somehting like picking up garbage in parks?
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