Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-08-2010, 02:22 PM   #106
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
I started typing a snarky comment about religion here, but I respect people's beliefs and right to believe what they want, so I am not going to make a joke. In a personal setting it might be humorous, online it is out of context....

Are they comparable? Change my wording to Mormon, or Pentecostal, I don't care, the premise is the same. Do you believe 100% with your religion no questions asked and no disagreements? Do you stay in the church. I am not justifying some of the racial comments made, but I did provide context about the 9/11 line and you didn't even acknowledge that you brought it up out of context. I left out the link by mistake before. It is below.

As far as your time in Iraq, I have more than once responded to your post, with the fact that I 110% respect your service to your country, period.

I think it's the latter. In this land of the separation of Church and State, the fact remains that an Agnostic or Atheist can't get elected president, and people pander and pretend. I believe that 100%. I don't know Obama's actual personal religions beliefs, and I don't care. I don't dislike Sarah Palin or GW Bush for their religious belief, but it does heavily influence their politics. Religion is unfortunately a political issue. Catholic, Baptist, Aqua Buddha... it is a big issues.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright's 9/11 sermon - Blogs
"Change my wording to Mormon, or Pentecostal, I don't care, the premise is the same."

No, it's NOT the same, not until you can show us a real-life Mormon or Pentecostal minister who said things as offensive as Wright, as consistently as he did. Until you do that, you are making up hypotheticals, much like the "birthers" you mocked before.

"Do you believe 100 percent; with your religion no questions asked and no disagreements?"

Nope. I have minor disagreements over minor things, just like I like the Yankees and my wife likes the Red Sox. Howver, when my church says that I fought for a country that invented the AIDS virus to eradicate blacks, I denounce that chirch in the next nanosecond. Not when it's politically expedient to do so, but in the very next second.
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