Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-08-2010, 06:34 PM   #114
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
And there is a fundamental difference between us.

I believe he doesn't hate America, you do. we could continually go around.

Context (of the quotes) may have been the wrong word. I need to read them in their entirety I guess is what I meant. The 'chickens come home to roost' comment, it turns out was a direct quote of of former Ambassador to Iraq and Regan cabinet member, not Wrights original idea, and was taken out of context from his sermon. Again, it may not change a thing, that may be the exception, and they may be as racial and %$%$%$%$ty as it sounds, but I try and be critical of what I hear from both sides of the media.

RIJ, I meant what I said. tolerate is the right word
Rockhound, I do enjoy this debate, and I hope my posts are not coming across harsher than I'm intending. My posts tend to do that, unfortunately. You and I don't agree, but you have been very respectful.

"I believe he doesn't hate America, you do. we could continually go around. "

I'm not saying I think he hates America. I'm saying his spiritual mentor, his political mentor, and his wife all dislike this country to varying degrees. Do you agree?

Given that the most important people in his life seem to dislike this country, it seems rational to me to wonder what he thinks. But those who dare to question his patriotism are dismissed as kooky racists by those who worship Obama.

Rockhound, how about economics? I'm no expert by any means, but here's what I think...

(1) the western European nations are more socialist in nature than the US currently is (fact)
(2) those western european nations are in far more economic danger than the US currently is (fact)
(3) given (1) and (2), it's fair to say that western european socialism doesn't seem to be working (my opinion, but reasonable I think)
(4) in order to save themselves, those nations are drastically cutting spending (fact)
(5) Obama's vision of america is one where the federal government is larger than we're used to, with higher taxes to support it (I'd say that's fact, I don't see how you can disagree). In other words, he favors the western European model.

\Given all this, why would anyone in his right mind believe that we should repeat the same mistakes that are currently destroying Western Europe? Why is that form of light socialism going to work here, if it has never worked anywhere else?

I don't like the fact that there are poor folks out there. If someone could build a society where everyone made exactly $125,000, I would want to live there. But there is a reason why, in the history of the planet, no opne has been able to pull it off. It just doesn't work.

Therefore, I am as opposed to Obama's economic policies as I can be. Our economy was doing just fine until the subprime mortgages imploded.

What do you think?
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