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Old 12-09-2010, 06:28 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
Why would a government health care program (e.g. Medicare) deny more claims than private insurers?

"According to the American Medical Association’s National Health Insurer Report Card for 2008, the government’s health plan, Medicare, denied medical claims at nearly double the average for private insurers: Medicare denied 6.85% of claims. The highest private insurance denier was Aetna @ 6.8%, followed by Anthem Blue Cross @ 3.44, with an average denial rate of medical claims by private insurers of 3.88%

In its 2009 National Health Insurer Report Card, the AMA reports that Medicare denied only 4% of claims—a big improvement, but outpaced better still by the private insurers. The prior year’s high private denier, Aetna, reduced denials to 1.81%—an astounding 75% improvement—with similar declines by all other private insurers, to average only 2.79%."

just sayin'
Thank you Scott W!

Likwid, rirockhound, this is game, set & match. Ask any fair-minded doctor which payer is more likely to pay out, and which is more likely to balk at payment...medicare/medicaid, or private insurers. Why do you think that more and more doctors refuse to accept medicare/medicais patients? Because the docs lose money on those folks.

If you'd put down your Obama worshipping glasses for 2 seconds and look at this objectively, it would be cclear.

Put the word "public" in front of ANYTHING, and it implies something that is dirty, ineffective, dysfunctional, and scary. "Public" parks, schools, golf courses, rest rooms, just name it.
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