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Old 12-15-2010, 04:52 PM   #27
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Used to read your posts because some of them were filled with good information. Now, I just scroll right past them because each one is chock-full of pathetic, childish statements like above.
Honeslty JD, you dont agree with Jim's post? You dont see the hypocracy? Palin, Boehner, if they were libs they would be celebrated celebraties. I guarantee the View would be discussing how refreshing it is to see a man express his feelings. He does the exact opposite of a mean, heartless conservative and he gets $hit from the left!
Pelosi responded to Boehners election night tears and said she only cries when someone she knows dies, she said she doenst cry for politics. Really? Politics? Nancy doesnt cry when she hears the Star Spangled Banner? When she sees a flag covered coffin? When she in Washingotn every day she doesnt look around at the splendor of this country and her role in governing it and Doenst get teary eyed? You know why? Beacuse Nancy married into millions. She never sacrificed, never suffered, never looked around and knew what it takes to make it. If you've never lost, you can never appreciate winning.
WTF. Liberalism as a Mental Disorder. Im sorry but that about sums it up.

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