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Old 12-22-2010, 09:23 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
right...if I was a heterosexual....wait, I am a heterosexual...and I found myself in my early 20's in combat(or anywhere else for that matter) in a women only platoon and my sexual orientation oriented me toward....women.... I'm sure I'd not develop any unrequited affection for these women, I certainly wouldn't sneak any peaks and they definitely woudn't be a distraction...even if they were all lesbians......

seems like the same people that will tell you to give your kids birth control becuase they are going to do it any way and can't control their impulses will also tell you that 18-20 something soldiers can serve together even in the most difficult situations and their "impulses" can easily be controlled and will not affect their performance...which can mean life and death
This is a great post Sc ott, and gets to the heart of why I say liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals will say that abstinence doesn't work, you can't stop people from having sex. Those same folks will then say, 5 minutes later, that having homosexuals in the military won't necessarily have any consequences, because those people can just put their sexuality aside. For a whole year, while living in close quarters with those you are attracted to, and under very trying, often lonely, circumstances. Right.

There is no debating these people, because their platform has no foundation of logic. Amazingly, they see no incostincies in those arguments.

I was an average combat commander, no better, no worse. I was very very glad I never had any girls under my command. I had enough problems to deal with.
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