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Old 12-29-2010, 08:38 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Liberalism - let all the criminals go, it's not their fault

This story reminds me of the Willie Horton saga, except it's worse in that a cop got killed by a guy parolled after being sentenced to THREE CONSECUTIVE life sentences...

Massachusetts Cop Was Killed by Career Criminal Out on Parole Despite Three Life Sentences -

I don't have a degree in criminology from an Ivy League school. I guess I'm just not sophisticated enough to see how you let this guy out on the street.

That's liberalism for you, nobody is responsible for their actions, nothing is anybody's fault. I see the criminal got killed in the shootout, maybe the ACLU will file a wrongul death suit against the cops on behalf of his surviving family.

It's time to toss out all the extreme ideology and use some good old fashioned common sense. Except when you talk in common-sense terms, the liberals label you a simpleton...I bet a simpleton would have turned down this guy's parole application.
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